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A healthcare provider helping a parent read a picture book to two toddlers.

Since its inception, Reach Out and Read's program has been based on scientific evidence. 

We know our program works because it has been proven to time and time again by independent and peer reviewed research. The evidence shows that our program has a major impact on families' attitudes and practices towards reading, children's language abilities, and the quality of pediatric care at participating clinics. 

Key findings:

  • Families are 2.5 times as likely to read together with their children, and 2 times as likely to read 2-3 times a week after participating in our program.
  • Children who participate in Reach Out and Read programming have significantly higher language scores and increased receptive and expressive vocabulary.
  • At participating clinics, families are more likely to rate their pediatricians as helpful and were more likely to return for their next well-child visit.
A nurse helps a family read to their baby. Text reads "Reach Out and Read improves family attitudes and practices."
A doctor and mother read to a young child. Text on the image reads "Reach Out and Read improves childhood outcomes."
A mother and two young girls read a book with their healthcare provider. Text on the image reads "Reach Out and Read improves pediatric care quality."

Learn more about our evidence and our ongoing research from our national office. 

An adult and child point to a book. Only their hands and the book are visible.

Our Impact

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