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An adult and child hold and point to a book. Their faces are not visible.

Reach Out and Read Minnesota Remembers Malcolm McDonald

(10/11/2022) Reach Out and Read Minnesota is saddened to learn of the passing of Malcolm McDonald.  McDonald's career as Vice President of First National Bank and as a philanthropist have made a resounding impact on the Twin Cities community.  In 2019, as a board member of the Grotto Foundation, McDonald played a pivotal role in helping Minneapolis become the nation's largest Reach Out and Read "Bookend City".  This designation is achieved when every clinic that performs children's well-child visits in the city participates in the Reach Out and Read program model at a high-level of quality, distributing books and giving developmental guidance at routine visits for young children.  You can read more about Minneapolis becoming a Bookend City here

We remember Malcom McDonald with a deep gratitude and pride in what we were able to accomplish together. 

An adult and child point to a book. Only their hands and the book are visible.

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